FinTech Product Innovation


  • Design product winners built on how people make decisions
  • Personalize products & services based on behavioral client characteristics
  • Enrich investment advice by deep behavioral insight
  • Increase user engagement by including behavioral product functionalities
  • Gain competitive edge by offering behavioral product features
  • Excite clients with individual insight and advice by understanding their behavioral traits and preferences
  • Make powerful predictions and product recommendations with behavioral data


Product Consulting

  • Supports state of the art behavioral features and functionalities in financial and FinTech products & services
  • Enhances products & services with innovative behavioral decision support, recommendation systems, customer/user analysis & segmentation
  • Plans attractive methods to generate behavioral insight about customers/users
  • Develops high-quality behavioral assessments for insight into financial risk tolerance, decision-making, goals, personality, investment preferences, etc.
  • Develops objective rating systems to turn intuitive observations into actionable customer insight

Behavioral Profiling Solutions

  • Make behavioral profiling part of your product and services
  • Deliver people insights to predict and motivate client behavior