FinPsy Services

The FinTech revolution is developing exponentially. To reach its full potential, this revolution must be accompanied by behavioral science. This is precisely where FinPsy supports you. We provide state-of -the-art behavioral expertise.

FinTech Product Innovation

Product Consulting

  • Supports state of the art behavioral features and functionalities in financial and FinTech products & services
  • Enhances products & services with innovative behavioral decision support, recommendation systems, customer/user analysis & segmentation
  • Plans attractive methods to generate behavioral insight about customers/users
  • Develops high-quality behavioral assessments for insight into financial risk tolerance, decision-making, goals, personality, investment preferences, etc.
  • Develops objective rating systems to turn intuitive observations into actionable customer insight

Behavioral Profiling Solutions

  • Make behavioral profiling part of your product and services
  • Deliver people insights to predict and motivate client behavior

Decision Maker Analytics

Behavioral Finance Scan

  • Generates objective, detailed behavioral analysis of financial professionals and teams
  • Determines decision-makers’ behavioral make-up and decision tendencies, quantitatively and qualitatively
  • Identifies hidden cognitive bias, emotions-based tendencies, other behavioral red flags
  • Uses cutting-edge behavioral and psychometric methods to reveal unconscious influences on investing behavior
  • Provides behavioral data about professional decision-makers that lead to actionable financial results

Behavioral Profiling Solutions

  • Make behavioral profiling part of your product and services
  • Deliver people insights to predict and motivate client behavior

Financial Customer & Consumer Research

Crowdsourced Surveys

  • Gather information from hundreds of respondents within few hours
  • Generate representative survey results and obtain comprehensive feedback
  • Diagnose consumer attitudes and predict consumer behavior

Customer Surveys

  • Develop and administer custom-tailored surveys
  • Reveal implicit customer attitudes and motivations
  • Identify relevant customer clusters with shared behavioral characteristics (Behavioral Customer Segmentation)
  • Generate actionable results

Brand Analysis

  • Analyzes implicit behavioral brand connotations
  • Determines brand perception differences among specific to demographic and behavioral segments (e.g., education level, gender, age, urban vs. rural, introverts vs. extraverts)
  • Determines perceived brand uniqueness
  • Compares your brand to peers

Executive Education, Seminars, and Coaching

  • Establishes custom-tailored presentations and seminars about behavioral decision-making, team dynamics, leadership, personality, communication, etc.
  • Draws on extensive coaching expertise to allow you achieve goals and use behavioral potential optimally